1. Stealth solution provider
The “stealth solution provider” is a very important category as this includes many start-ups as well as many in the culture creative industry. These are companies that have not considered themselves significant for the climate challenge. These companies can explore how to become a solution provider by identifying existing solutions and create groups responsible for accelerating the positive impact.
2. The unguided solution provider
This is a rapidly growing group. Many who have earlier been stealth solution providers have recognised that they have a role as a solution provider, but do not have any goals (and often no strategies) in support of increased delivery of solutions with a positive impact in society due to avoided emissions. These companies can explore how solution goals can be established.
3. The substituter
Among solution providers today this is the dominating category. These companies can explore the possibility to move beyond a product perspective to create clusters that deliver 1.5 °C compatible solutions to human needs. In parallel the goals can be expanded beyond simple maximisation of avoided emissions from existing products to a 1.5 °C approach where also other sustainability aspects such as biodiversity, are included.
4. The enabler
This is a rapidly growing group of significant importance. As the structure and values in society needs to change the role of the enabler will become ever more important. These companies can explore ways to quantify their positive impact in society with a full climate impact assessment. To establish a clear goal that focuses on 1.5 °C globally sustainable contributions is also an option to consider.
5. The human need provider
This is still a very small group of companies. If they belong in this group they are in most cases part of clusters that manage to deliver in human needs with sustainable solutions in a society that is built around unsustainability. These companies should share their journey to become a solution provider that deliver avoided emissions in society though the solutions they provide. This is important as most companies are either ignoring the climate challenge, or are stuck in a limited climate risk innovation world where climate action starts and ends with scope 1-3 emissions.
6. The underminer
This group of companies are more common than we might think. These are companies that do not see the climate change challenge as relevant and find excuses for continue providing unsustainable solutions, as well as trying to increase the demand for them with marketing and lobbying.
7. The climate risk leader (scope 1-3)
This is a significant group today. It would not be a significant problem, if it was not for the fact that many in this group think that leadership is about reducing scope 1-3 emissions from large companies. The dynamics and how to move beyond this role with an expanded climate and innovation agenda is the theme for an upcoming paper with the preliminary title “Beyond Corporate Footprints”.
8. N/A
So far we have not found any company that defines their role as compliance/reporting, while still having goals to deliver as a solution provider. Isf such a company would emerge the first step would be to establish a role as a solution provider and develop a strategy for that role.
9. The interesting Janus company
A group of companies that is surprisingly large, and seems to the growing fast, are those that have a role as a solution provider, but their goal is still linked to increasing emissions. The reason is often that smart solutions now often are cost-efficient and companies that innovate occasionally start to deliver sustainable solutions. Here the responsibility is mainly with the board and SMT as they have an opportunity to start redirecting the company towards the future.